Qualitative and quantitative evaluation based on Hui Model
Ciao , sei nell'isola MetaVibe! Visualizza gli Islanders, le attività e gli asset dell'Isola.
Tutti i dati presenti in schermata sono automatizzati e si alimentano in base alle attività che gli utenti dell'Isola effettuano su HUI (esempio ToDo ultimate, unit delle attività...)
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Roma, Italy
New Sounds, Visions and Experiences from the deep Metaverse
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Project management
Competence / Guru / SEO
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Market 121 Activities
Commitment / Full-time employee / Enry’s Island S.p.A.
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / HR
Competence / Guru / SMM
Competence / Guru / DEM
Competence / Work (less 5 years) / Product specialist in HUI
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Market Developer
Connection / Business developer
Connection / Follower on HUI Social
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Organizzazione aziendale
Competence / Work (less 5 years) / Talent scouting
Competence / Guru / marketing
Connection / Entrepreneur for more than 5 years
Competence / Guru / ICT
Competence / Guru / Finance
Commitment / CEO / Enry’s Island
Competence / Guru / Business Creation
Creation / Entrepreneur for at least 5 years / Enry’s Island
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Recruiting
Competence / Work (less 5 years) / Employer Branding
Competence / Work (less 5 years) / DPO
Competence / Work (less 5 years) / Business Planning
Commitment / Full-time employee / Market Unit Manager
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Back office commerciale
Commitment / Full-time employee / Studio Zanfardino
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / situazione fiscale e tributaria
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / UI/UX design (web, mobile)
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Webdesign
Competence / Guru / Branding
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / gestione operazioni fiscali e previdenziali
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / gestione della contabilità
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Finance
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Strategic Planning
Competence / Work (less 5 years) / HR
Competence / Master/PhD / Strategic Corporate Finance
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Basic HTML
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Digital Adv
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Pixel Art
Commitment / Full-time employee / HUI Art Director
Competence / Guru / Illustration
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Wordpress
Competence / Guru / Corel Draw Graphic Suite
Competence / Guru / Photoshop/Illustrator/Premiere/XD
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Social Media Marketing
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Interior Design
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Joomla! CMS
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / GML Game programming
Commitment / Full-time employee / Enry’s Island