For the third consecutive year, Enry’s Island S.p.A. is still in 1st position in Italy in the Crunchbase ranking (10/23).
Our journey continues to elevate! We’ve surged 4 places to become the 2nd in Europe.
And the most remarkable achievement of all… we’ve ascended 41 places in the global ranking, now standing at the 7th position. We’ve officially broken into the top 10 in the World!
This incredible goal is the evidence of the hard work made by over 800 stakeholders across the globe, the dedication of our 30 portfolio startups and the performance of our 5 Local Companies.
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Thanks to our 15 years of experience in the global startup ecosystem, we have identified the 6 key success factors of any company: Concept, Competence, Capital, Connection, Commitment, Creation.
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