Qualitative and quantitative evaluation based on Hui Model
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272 Bath Street, Glasgow, United Kingdom
B2B Mktplace
Raw materials, commodities and industrial supplies marketplace
Competence / Guru / Photoshop/Illustrator/Premiere/XD
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / GML Game programming
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Joomla! CMS
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Interior Design
Competence / Guru / Corel Draw Graphic Suite
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Pixel Art
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Back office commerciale
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Wordpress
Competence / Guru / Illustration
Commitment / Full-time employee / HUI Art Director
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Social Media Marketing
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Digital Adv
Competence / Work (less 5 years) / SaaS Sales
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Developing new products/services and bring them to market (Marine Business)
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Mentoring
Concept / Leaves / BLK Global
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Business Growth (35% top line YoY - marine services)
Creation / Startup creation / BLK Global
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Basic HTML
Competence / Guru / Branding
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Webdesign
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / UI/UX design (web, mobile)
Commitment / Full-time employee / Market Unit Manager
Competence / Work (less 5 years) / Product specialist in HUI
Creation / Entrepreneur for at least 5 years / Enry’s Island
Competence / Work (less 5 years) / Business Planning
Competence / Work (less 5 years) / DPO
Competence / Work (less 5 years) / Employer Branding
Competence / Guru / Business Creation
Connection / Entrepreneur for more than 5 years
Commitment / CEO / Enry’s Island
Competence / Guru / Finance
Competence / Guru / ICT
Competence / Guru / marketing
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Recruiting
Competence / Work (less 5 years) / Talent scouting
Competence / Guru / DEM
Connection / Follower on HUI Social
Connection / Business developer
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Market Developer
Competence / Guru / SMM
Competence / Guru / SEO
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Organizzazione aziendale
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / HR
Commitment / Full-time employee / Enry’s Island S.p.A.
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Market 121 Activities
Connection / Contacts on Linkedin / BLK Global
Creation / Entrepreneur for less than 5 years / BLK Global
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Strategic Planning
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Finance
Commitment / Full-time employee / Enry’s Island
Competence / Work (less 5 years) / Entrepreneurship
Competence / Work (less 5 years) / HR
Competence / Master/PhD / Strategic Corporate Finance
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / People Management
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Project management
Competence / Master/PhD / MSc Financial Management
Commitment / Funding partner / BLK Global
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Commercial Shipping
Competence / Master/PhD / Shipping Finance
Creation / Exit / Asia Bulk Pte Ltd
Connection / Business developer / Maritime
Competence / Guru / Commercial Shipping
Commitment / Shareholder / BLK Shipping
Concept / Flowers / Insurtech
Competence / Guru / Entrepreneurship
Competence / Guru / Business Management
Creation / Entrepreneur for at least 5 years / MAS Group
Connection / Business developer / Commodities
Capital / PE (BA) / $ 250k- $ 1M
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Leadership
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Effective Communication
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Analytical
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Supply Chain Management
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Business Development
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Teamwork
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Perseverance
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Management of Change
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Budgeting, accounting & financial reporting
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Tender Management
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / P&L Responsibility ($6m - $60m - $250m)
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Inspirational Leadership
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Management
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Customer Relationship Management
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Change Management
Concept / Leaves / Co-founder & Product Architect
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / IT Project Management
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / OTC Cash Settlements
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Innovation & Continuous Imporovement
Commitment / CEO / BLK Global
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Contract Negotiations
Competence / Work (over 5 years) / Sales
Competence / Master/PhD / Engineering
Capital / PE (BA) / $ 50K- $ 250K