Qualitative and quantitative evaluation based on Hui Model
Ciao , ecco l'elenco di tutte le Isole o Company presenti nell'ecosistema HUI. Oltre al nome della Isola puoi visualizzare tutti gli utenti che compongono il team dell'Isola. Clicca su ogni Isola per avere ulteriori dettagli.
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Traversa delle prigioni, 6, Isole Tremiti, Italy
Enry’s Island is the first Incubation & Acceleration Metaverse worldwide, with a global community of more than 800 stakeholders (entrepreneurs, investors, professionals), more than 20 startups in...
Not available yet
272 Bath Street, Glasgow, United Kingdom
B2B Mktplace
Raw materials, commodities and industrial supplies marketplace
London, United Kingdom
Enry’s Island UK ltd is the UK-based Local Company of Enry’s Island Incubation & Acceleration Metaverse, focused on Fundraising activities provided for all the Islands of our Archipelago.
Corso Umberto I, 113, Pescara, Italy
HUI srls
HUI, which in Hawaiian stands for "organization/team", is an exoskeleton that supports companies, freelancers and startups in the organization and management of their workflow. In fact,...
Not available yet
Not available yet
Island for management of public security EIOS and related activities
Not available yet
Piazzale Piemonte, Milano, Italy
DEMO Island. Startup dedicated to Renewable Energy. We support businesses to produce electricity without polluting.
Pescara, Italy
I nostri servizi sono finalizzati alla gestione globale del vostro patrimonio. Le diverse prestazioni che proponiamo sono volte alla protezione, all’incremento ed al controllo del vostro...
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